Ethics Master Class

morale building for your organization & life

The Topics - pick one and you're off


The idea that the morally correct action is the one that produces the most good – for you and others. We will evaluate how this theory can help solve real-world business, cultural, economic, and political dilemmas?


This is the study of moral duty and holds that we must follow certain norms to act morally. And, we must follow these norms regardless of the consequences. In this section, we evaluate these norms, the inherient dignity of all human beings, as well as the idea that we should never make exceptions for ourselves that we are not willing to make for others.

Virtue Ethics

Aristotle’s major ethical frmaework which analyzes virtues and the concept of the golden mean. Virtue Ethics is a primary way people can develop their character in a consistent and effective manner. We look deeply into whether improving our character can improve our lives and society.